

Organizzato dall'Ambasciata Italiana in India
  • Cosa internazionalizzazione
  • Quando il 23/06/2020 dalle 14:30 alle 17:30 (Europe/Rome / UTC200)
  • Dove Virtual platform
  • Contatti
  • Telefono +39 051 6398099
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  • Aggiungi l'evento al calendario iCal

The Embassy of Italy in India and Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA) are hosting a digital forum to present centers of excellence and explore the possibilities of cooperation between Italian and Indian research centers and businesses.

The DIGITALYinINDIA INNOVATION FORUM aims at setting up a network of Italian and Indian excellences to further exploit the possibility of bilateral industrial research projects in the fields of green economy and sustainable development, health sciences, advanced manufacturing, design and aerospace.

The DIGITALYinINDIA INNOVATION FORUM on “Sustainable Technologies to Serve the future” will be held on 23rd June, 2020 from 1430-1730 hrs (IST) at a virtual Platform.

The event will be addressed by eminent government, academic and industry leaders including:

 Ambassador of Italy to India, H.E. Vincenzo de Luca

  • Ambassador of India to Italy, H.E. Reenat Sandhu
  • Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Prof. Ashutosh Sharma
  • President of the Italian National Council for Research, Prof. Massimo Inguscio
  • President of the Italian Space Agency, Pres. Giorgio Saccoccia (video)
  • President of Human Technopole, Pres. Marco Simoni AerospaceGreen Economy and Sustainable Development
  • Health Sciences
  • Design and Advanced Manufacturing
  • Programma (pdf259.89 KB)
  • Registrazione (jpg45.64 KB)

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